Violette Mae Bird
April 2, 2010
8:15 AM
**I woke up at 5:00 AM with horrible contractions only 2 minutes apart...**
and woke Scott up to go to the hospital.
After gathering all our stuff up we headed to the Timpanogas Hospital!
Arriving at about 5:50 the Nurses were doing shift change.
It took them about twenty minutes to come in and finally get things going.
I started pushing at about 8:00 and Violette was born at 8:15!!!
Labor was a total of 3 hrs...and only 15 mins of pushing!
(above) Violette was so tiny that we didn't have any clothes that would fit her.
Auntie Angie bought her this and a few other Preemie outfits that are just ADORABLE!
(Above) This was the day after Violette was born. I stitched the frog on her onezie. . .
(Above) I was holding Lettie Mae and watching her sleep and she smiled! SO CUTE!
(Above) This was taken right after Violette was born.
She had a really hard time maintaining her temperature so we had to do lots of skin to skin.
**Violette was born with severely clubbed feet and will have to see an orthopedic surgeon. **
Other than that and her small weight she is very healthy and strong!
Dr. Berry thinks that she's so small because her umbilical cord was so long and skinny that she wasn't getting enough nutrients or oxygen.
The umbilical cord was about 4 feet long. It was CRAZY!
(Above) Lettie likes to stretch out! She's a silly girl!
(Above) Again in preemie clothes from Auntie Ang!
**At the hospital we had some GREAT nurses that were so helpful,**
and took wonderful care of Lettie and I!
HOWEVER...there were two that I could have gone without.
One of them we'll call her "Boney Legs"
(because she looked just like "Boney Legs" from the book.)
She was just very rough and forceful with Lettie. I didn't like how she handled her.
The other...she was our last nurse...she was a complete MORON!
I had asked her for pain meds and she said she'd be right back with them...two hours later... "OOH I just spaced it. Sorry"
THEN...we were getting ready to leave and she hadn't gotten my Rx's ready for me.
While we were waiting for her to get them she tried to give me another person's meds.
I kept telling her..."I don't take that. I don't even know what it is..."
"Oh! that's the other mom that I'm discharging!"
AND THEN... she wrote down all of some other babies info on our paper work and had to re-do it when I said, "uh...has my baby really gained two pounds in two days?"
she looks at the paper..."Oh dear...that's a different babies information. Sorry."
This went on with several do people get jobs in that field when they are that ridiculously stupid?
(Above) Just hangin' out bein' cute!
(Above) The blanket that Violette is laying on...
was a little blanket that my Great Grandma Mae (Worthington) Jarman made for me.
Grandma Mae is where we got Violette's middle name!
Just bein' cute again
(Above) Violet kickin' it on Grandma Mae's blanket again!
**We almost had to have an emergency C-Section. **
The umbilical cord was wrapped around Violette's neck.
Every time I contracted her heart rate would drop from 146 down to 40 beats per minute!
It was really scary and everyone was nervous.
But Dr. Berry did a fantastic job of bringing our baby girl safely into the world!
We were very lucky that she came so quickly.