The last post I made was nearly six months ago...I've been kinda busy...I don't know how you new mom's do the blogging and facebook, and keep your houses clean...and take care of your baby... is the Bird's update since April....
She is doing wonderful (despite her cough and runny nose at the moment) She is just the biggest ray of sunshine. Anyone having a bad day...really just look at her sweet face and everything in the world is okay again! She is the most beautiful little girl ever...her smile just melts my heart. We have been so blessed at her calm and happy spirit. She hardly ever fusses.
She is my world and I love her so much! She got her first tooth at just FOUR MONTHS...and her second followed just a week behind. She's moving around and getting into EVERYTHING! She's just starting to crawl...wanting to walk...but we're gunning for her to keep to crawling for a bit. She's been so ahead developmentally which is so wonderful and fun...but at the same time makes time fly by even faster...she's doing all these big girl things already... I was walking through the store the other day and saw a preemie outfit and nearly cried remembering that Violette used to fit into that size clothes...given she's still 2-3sizes behind by her age...she's still wearing 0-3 months and she just turned 6months on the second of Oct...I can't believe it's already been six months. CRAZY. She will be a fairy for her first Halloween! I'm so excited!
Her feet are doing GREAT(despite all the troubles we've had with sores, and ulcers). Her feet are almost completely anatomically corrected now!
In June she was blessed by her Daddy and surrounded by MANY people who love her! (and more exciting news to come later on possibly in it's own blog)
Doing well! Went back to work with Wal Mart...and is working part time at the haunted forest right now and really enjoying that (me not so much...don't get to see him often when he works from 6am-1am...) Scott was such a big help with Violette the last three weeks when I was out of commission...but I'll leave that story for my update! In May Scott turned 21!!!
He absolutely ADORES Violette...and she LOVES her daddy so much too. It's so fun to see the two of them play, or nap, (usually nap) together.
Scott is still talking and being crazy in his sleep...the other day he threw a full laundry basket at me in his sleep...haha. That will teach me to leave laundry out... ha ha. All in all Scott is doing great! :)
As for me...WOW...what a whirl wind it's been the last six months. . .I've been so blessed that Scott is so willing to work so hard to take care of us girls, allowing me to stay at home with Violette. It's been a challenge, but SUCH a JOY! My health has been a roller-coaster ride for months now, but I think we've got the thyroid issue under control now...for the most part...still makes me tired, and sick a lot easier than most's alright it could be worse. I've been involved in two GREAT benefits one was last month (sept) for my sweet high school soccer coach who's wife was killed in a plane accident in Nepal...going to climb everest...we did a benefit dinner and silent auction. It felt good to be apart of something that would help someone who's touched my life, and had an impact on me. The other benefit I'm involved in is going on right now. My sister-in-law is celebrating her fifth year being cancer free by trying to raise 25,000 and because we aren't good for monetary goods, I've helped with doing fundraising...from selling concessions at sporting events to doing a fundraiser at my brothers school he teaches at...and this coming Tuesday we will be doing a benefit concert staring my good friend Peter Breinholt....this concert was a tough one to pull together as quickly as I did...BUT thank-goodness it worked out. . .we're so close to reaching our goal of 25,000...hopefully this concert will do it for us. For specs on that if you're interested in attending you can check out my facebook page: About 3 weeks ago I re-herniated my L5-S1 disc in my back...*I have four discs that are herniated, thank-goodness I only re-herniated one* It was crazy how quickly it happened...I was fine sitting on the floor with my nieces and when I went to stand up all of a sudden I couldn't get all the way up-right and could hardly walk. When I got home, thankfully Violette fell asleep and I was able to lay down, but when I tried to get out of bed the pain was so excruciating that I couldn't move, Scott basically had to lift me out of bed. spent the evening in the ER...*I hate hospitals....* and well basically from there I bounced from Dr. to Dr.... I eventually ended up with Dr. Faber (AMAZING if I might say so...) who is usually booked out for MONTHS. I was able to get in within a weeks time and the day I went in he took his lunch to do "Injections" for me... Let me explain, it's kinda like an epidural...but the needle is the size of a pencil and about six inches long. They numb you first just with a local...lytacaine(s/p?)... well it didn't work on me and I felt ALL THREE (pencils) needles go into my spine. . .It was SO painful. They said it would take 7-10 days for the steroid to kick in all the way...and well it's been about that and I'm still not COMPLETELY pain free but I am moving around and able to take care of my baby now...that was the worst part of it all...having to sit back and watch others care for her. I wasn't able to hold her longer than about ten minutes or so. I've been so blessed with wonderful people around to help me with her while I was out of commission.
And...just two days ago, Oct 7 I turned 23...WEIRD! I feel so old. ha ha. It was a nice quiet birthday. Scott took me out to dinner at TEXAS ROADHOUSE which we yum! He got me Beauty and the Beast on Bluray...AMAZING!!! I LOVE IT! And yesterday Mom took me out for lunch to the Smoking Apple BBQ...which was actually quite good! My Brother-in-law Nick, Brother Jayson and his family came as well...which was a nice surprise! I have a GREAT family. Love 'em all!
As A Family: Our biggest news is that in July we were sealed together in the Oquirrh Mt. temple. What a beautiful experience it was...and when they brought Violette in..I can't even put into words the feelings I had to see was the most amazing feeling in the world to know that my daughter and my husband are now mine for, FOREVER!
The beginning of August we had the bird family reunion. We all went and camped out in Fruitland at Scott's grandpa's place. It was nice to get out of the city and not worry about the hub-bub of life for a few days.
All in all we're doing well. We're now living back at Scott's parents house rather than with my Dad. It's been nice being here...built in babysitters...he he. Nice for when Mama needs a nap. lol.
That's all for now, I'll post pics of the last couple months later! :)
Em, Scott, and Lettie-Mae